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Get Quick and Simple Solutions to QuickBooks Error 1311

QuickBooks has become one of the most widely used accounting software programs in recent years, suitable for businesses of all sizes. Despite its popularity, the software is prone to numerous bugs that degrade the user experience. Owing to these problems, the user looks up the quantity of written articles in order to fix and fully comprehend the error. This is where our work comes in; we write our blogs with the help of experts to ensure that people get their answers on time. In this blog, we will discuss one of those errors, known as QuickBooks error 1311.

QB error code 1311 is a common problem that occurs when the user attempts to export a report from the application to Excel. Another reason for its emergence is a faulty installation or updating procedure. To learn more about the error, simply read the article and gain a thorough understanding, as well as some effective troubleshooting solutions that can assist in resolving the problem without difficulty.

QuickBooks error 1311

What is the Meaning of QuickBooks Error 1311?

The error QuickBooks error 1311 was encountered by the users when they were trying to install or update the software. As well as during the time of exporting the report from some financial statement designer to MS Excel. The error comes with a warning message stated as – Error 1311: “Source file not found: D:\ZF561407.CAB’. Verify that file exists and that you can access it”. Apart from this message, the error hampers productivity and creates additional problems in the device.

What are the Reasons Behind QuickBooks Error 1311?

To rectify the error, you have to understand the reasons that cause the QuickBooks error 1311. Listed below are some of the common situations which triggered the issue in your device:

  • When there is a damaged CD drive in which the installation is done.
  • During the time of accessing a disk, the CD-ROM Drive was facing an issue.
  • Damaged or corrupted QuickBooks desktop installation files.
  • When your QB desktop is not compatible with the version of Microsoft Office.
  • One or more than one installation files of Microsoft Office are corrupted or damaged.

The Signs and Symptoms of QuickBooks Error Code 1311

Sometimes, the device does not display the error message; instead, it will show some glitches in your device that indicate the presence of the problem. It is difficult to understand the problem in that situation. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below are some of the most common symptoms that users experience when QuickBooks error code 1311 hits their device.

  • When exporting the file to any media, your QuickBooks application suddenly freezes.
  • Repeated failure message while installing the QB desktop with a company disk.
  • Frequently getting an error message on your screen.
  • When you are facing an issue while exporting one or more reports from the QuickBooks FSD to Microsoft Excel.

How Can I Fix QuickBooks Error 1311? – Easy Solutions

Let us begin the process of removing QuickBooks error 1311 by carefully following the points listed below. To ensure smooth processing, go through the procedure one by one, not skipping any steps:

Solution 1:- Check the Compatibilities of Microsoft Office

The error 1311 QuickBooks usually appears when there is a compatibility issue with your Microsoft Office. As a result, our first solution is to check the compatibility of the Microsoft Office version you are using. Thoroughly read and follow the same:

  • First, navigate to the Control Panel.
  • Now, select the Remove or Add Programs option.
  • To make the modification, hit the Microsoft Office button.
  • Make sure the version for Microsoft Office is required to be 2000 or later.
  • If you do not have a 2000 or its later version, then you are required to modify or repair Microsoft Office immediately.

Solution 2:- Past the Files in Hard Driver and Then Install It

If there is no such issue of compatibility in your system, then try our next method, which is an additional method to install your files without sticking in any glitch.

  • To start the procedure, you have to insert the QuickBooks CD into the CD-ROM.
  • Now, check if the installation status starts automatically. If yes, then hit the Quit button to exit.
  • Right-click on the Start tab and then select the Explore option.
  • Thereon, make an additional folder on your desktop to copy your installation files.
  • Next, browse the QuickBooks CD-ROM.
  • Right-click on the Explore tab and search the QB and other third-party folders.
  • Select the Setup.exe option.
  • After that, hold the Ctrl key and press the files and folders keys to copy the files.
  • Now, paste the files in that New Folder.
  • Note: If you are still facing the error, then it must be an issue with your CD-ROM. In that situation, it is suggested to call the customer care executive.
  • Or if there is no such error on your screen at the time of copying, then congratulations! Open the New Folder.
  • Double-click on the Setup.exe and start the installation process.

Solution 3:- Change the Access to CD-ROM

If the above solution is not able to help you out of this situation, then follow the steps mentioned below and change your access to CD-ROM:

 Access to CD-ROM
  • Firstly, navigate to the Start Menu.
  • Next, go to the Control Panel option and select the Administrative Tools tab.
  • Click on the Local Security Policy.
  • Now, take your cursor to the left drop-down menu and expand the Local Policies Folder.
  • Hit the security options and restrict access to the CD-ROM for the users who are currently logged into the local network.
  • At last, repeat the section process done in the last step and then restart the computer.

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Solution 4:- Reinstall the CS4 Application

If all the above solutions fail to remove the error 1311 QuickBooks, then follow the next method, which is reinstalling the CS4 application, which might help in resolving the issue from its roots:

If you’re using Windows XP operating system
  • Start the procedure by clicking on the Start tab.
  • Then, hit the Run tab.
  • In the Open Field, sort Msiexec/unreg and then hit the Enter tab.
For Windows Vista Users
  • Firstly, select the All Programs cross to Accessories.
  • Click on the Run tab.
  • Now, in the Open field, sort msiexec/regserver and then click on the Enter key.
  • And lastly, reinstall the CS4 software and check the status of the error.

Solution 5:- Run the Photoshop Elements Disc

Using the Photoshop Elements disc aids in the cleaning of the software as well as the improvement of the exploring procedure, which eliminates error 1311. As a result, you can install or export the files without difficulty:

  • The first step is to insert the Photoshop Elements install disc into the DVD/CD-ROM drive.
  • Now, open the My Computer and right-click on the Photoshop Elements Disc.
  • Next, make a folder and copy the Adobe Photoshop Elements folder into it.
  • Later on, eject the Disc option and open the Adobe Photoshop Elements.
  • To start the installation procedure, double-click on the Setup.exe option.
  • Lastly, follow the instructions showcasing on your screen to complete the installation process.

Solution 6:- Run the Scanning and Installation Process

When you run the scanning in your system, it will automatically scan for and remove the error without interfering with or damaging your company’s files. Please follow the steps below to ensure that this process runs smoothly.

  • Click on the Start button and select the All Programs option.
  • Now, right-click on the Command Prompt option.
  • Select the Run as Administrator tab.
  • Later, you will get the command prompt here: type FSC/SCANNOW and hit the Enter key.
  • Wait until the scanning process is completed successfully.
  • Next, in the command prompt, type the Msiexec/unregin and hit the Enter type.
type the Msiexec/unregin and hit the Enter type
  • Again, in the command prompt window, type msiexec/regserver and click on the Enter key.
  • Lastly, visit the Creative Suite product installation and check if you are still facing a QuickBooks error code 1311.

Solution 7:- Clean CD/DVD or Removable Media

If none of the above methods works, remove QuickBooks error 1311 from your device. Then, the last troubleshooting step would be to clean the CD/DVD or removable media. When there is any type of dirt, fingerprints, or dust on the media, it can cause an installation or exporting issue. To fix it, take a clean cotton swab and gently clean the media before attempting to install or export the QB application again.

Ending of Walkthrough!

We hope that by following all of the above steps, you will be able to easily resolve QuickBooks Error 1311. If you encounter any additional issues or there are multiple questions bombarding your mind, please do not hesitate to contact our QuickBooks Support Team Experts. Who provides 24-hour services so that QuickBooks users have a glitch-free and cutting-edge technology experience that can smooth the business’s account clutter in just a few seconds.

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Benjamin James
Benjamin James

I am Benjamin james, a technical content writer with over 13 years of experience in the domain. My passion for technology and writing has helped me become an expert in software tools. Through my extensive knowledge and expertise, I am working to help the world leverage the power of technology.

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